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18 Mai 2024, ouvrez la fenĂȘtre numĂ©ro 2
(DerniĂšre fenĂȘtre le 5 Novembre 2016)
Trick or Science - Roma - Liceo Talete
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FenĂȘtre 1
The Talete scientific high school is in the center of Rome, near the underground station Ottaviano.  In 2016 the students of the school decided to take part of a project of “art against the decline” that took part some schools of Rome. During the week of self-management the students  painted on the walls of school pictures of important characters.
By 3H Team
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FenĂȘtre 1

1 The Talete scientific high school is in the center of Rome, near the underground station Ottaviano. In 2016 the students of the school decided to take part of a project of “art against the decline” that took part some schools of Rome. During the week of self-management the students painted on the walls of school pictures of important characters.

FenĂȘtre 1
The Talete scientific high school is in the center of Rome, near the underground station Ottaviano. In 2016 the students of the school decided to take part of a project of “art against the decline” that took part some schools of Rome. During the week of self-management the students painted on the walls of school pictures of important characters.

On sera heureux d accepter votre support au projet Advientos. Merci!

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