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18 Mai 2024, öffne Türchen Nr. 2
(letztes Türchen 5 November 2016)
Trick or Science - Roma - Liceo Talete
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Ey! Noch nicht!
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Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Türchen 1
The Talete scientific high school is in the center of Rome, near the underground station Ottaviano.  In 2016 the students of the school decided to take part of a project of “art against the decline” that took part some schools of Rome. During the week of self-management the students  painted on the walls of school pictures of important characters.
By 3H Team
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Türchen 1

1 The Talete scientific high school is in the center of Rome, near the underground station Ottaviano. In 2016 the students of the school decided to take part of a project of “art against the decline” that took part some schools of Rome. During the week of self-management the students painted on the walls of school pictures of important characters.

Türchen 1
The Talete scientific high school is in the center of Rome, near the underground station Ottaviano. In 2016 the students of the school decided to take part of a project of “art against the decline” that took part some schools of Rome. During the week of self-management the students painted on the walls of school pictures of important characters.

Wir freuen uns, wenn ihr das Advientos Projekt unterstützen würdet.

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