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(letztes Türchen 8 März 2022)
Countdown to International Women's day 2022
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Terrific Women of Tewkesbury
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Türchen 4

4 Harriet McIlquham 1837-1910

It was not only Victorian Women who were not allowed to vote: through the 1832 Reform Act the number of male voters increased to 20 % of all men. Voters needed to be propertied. In two more Reform Acts to follow, the right to vote was extended to men, who owned or rented property, so that by 1884 60% of men were allowed to vote.

Women assembled in various organisations to fight for their rights. In 1871 a 'Women’s Suffrage Society' was founded in Cheltenham, which affiliated 1896 with the National organisation. Harriet McIlquham was one of the founding members. London born, she moved 1858 with her husband to Cheltenham, later to Staverton, where she managed a working farm. They had four children together.
Already in the 1860s she had been a speaker and organizer in the franchise campaign on a National base. Over the years she supported and co-founded other Women organisations and joined the more radical WSPU and WFL. McIlquham took on local responsibility as a Poor Law guardian for Boddlington in 1881, the first married woman elected to that office. Her qualifications were questioned, but because she also held property in her own name, the challenge failed. She engaged in improving married women's political rights. She also became overseer of the parish of Staverton, and first chair of the Staverton parish council.
In January 1889 she stood as Liberal candidate for the Gloucester County Council. The local press reported, that "she was admired for her pluck”. A court judgement 4 month later ruled that votes for women were “simply thrown away”, so she couldn’t have taken her seat, even, if she had had the majority.
McIlquham published pamphlets based on her lectures, among them "The Enfranchisement of Women: An Ancient Right, A Modern Need" in 1892. She also wrote a series of essays on the history of feminism for the Westminster Review.
On the 21 February 1905 she accompanied Sylvia Pankhurst to the House and Commons to lobby MPs , and she attended the WSPU’s first meeting in Cheltenham. After she died 1910, aged 72, she was buried on the churchyard of Staverton. The papers of Harriet McIlquham are archived in The Women's Library.

Votes for Women: Cheltenham and the Cotswolds Paperback – 1 Feb. 2018, by Dr. Sue Jones
Derek Benson

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