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Warning: Undefined array key "ultima_visita_22346-7545" in /home1/valviasc/public_html/advientos/destinatarios-publico.php on line 207
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16 junio 2024
Warning: Undefined array key "ultima_visita_22346-7545" in /home1/valviasc/public_html/advientos/destinatarios-publico.php on line 291

Warning: Undefined array key "ultima_visita_22346-7545" in /home1/valviasc/public_html/advientos/destinatarios-publico.php on line 291
, abre la ventana número 1
(Ultima ventana 5 noviembre 2016)
Trick or Science - Roma - Liceo Talete
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!

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¡Vamos! a que esperas?!!
By 3H Team
[Empezar de nuevo]
Warning: Undefined array key "ultima_visita_22346-7545" in /home1/valviasc/public_html/advientos/destinatarios-publico.php on line 375
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Ventana nº 8

8 The Trevi fountain is in the Trevi district in Rome and it is the largest Baroque fountain in the city and the most famous in the world. It was built by the architect Nicola Salvi and was completed by Pietro Bracci. In its square three streets meet. Its standing are 26.3 metres high and 49.15 metres wide and marks the terminal point of the acqueduct Acqua Virgo which takes the name by the leggend which tells that a virgin helped roman technicians to locate a source of pour water some 13 km from the city. The tradicion tells that of you throw a coin in the fountain you will return in the city.
Ventanas del Advientos

Warning: Undefined array key "ultima_visita_22346-7545" in /home1/valviasc/public_html/advientos/destinatarios-publico.php on line 432

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