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16 Mai 2024, öffne Türchen Nr. 2
(letztes Türchen 24 Dezember 2015)
The Festive Tudor Dynasty Wishing you a Merry Christmas!
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Ey! Noch nicht!
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Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Türchen 1
Get in the Christmas Spirit today by watching this video of Hampton Court Palace festivities!  And if you need a reminder about why Hampton Court is so special, go back to the Englandcast archives and listen to Episode 19: <a href=""></a>

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Feliz Navidad from the Renaissance English History Podcast
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Türchen 6


It's St. Nicholas Day! In Medieval England, before the Reformation, St. Nicholas Day was a popular feast day during Advent. As St. Nicholas is the patron saint of children, parishes would hold Yuletide "boy bishop" celebrations. As part of these celebrations, boys would perform the functions of the priests and bishops, and would rule over their elders. You can learn more about St. Nicholas celebrations in medieval England here:

This is a day to remember those less fortunate as well. According to one source, in medieval times the nuns would deposit baskets of food and clothing anonymously at the homes of the needy overnight on December 6.

Here are some ways you can celebrate as well!

You can also channel the spirit of St. Nicholas and make a donation to Toybox, a charity that helps street children throughout the world.

Türchen 1
Get in the Christmas Spirit today by watching this video of Hampton Court Palace festivities! And if you need a reminder about why Hampton Court is so special, go back to the Englandcast archives and listen to Episode 19:

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