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(Dernière fenêtre le 24 Décembre 2021)
Happy Advent from Midsomer Tours
FenĂŞtre 11
WALLINGFORD, Oxfordshire

Wallingford's Corn Exchange Theatre features in scenes from "Breaking the Chain" (episode 107, series 18). This is a lycra-packed episode, where we enjoy the continuing competition between DS Charlie Nelson and Dr Kam Karimore, the pathologist, as they conduct undercover surveillance during the Burwood Mantle international cycling competition. Bicycles whizz round the town centre, a councillor is accused of a cover-up, families feud and baby Betty Barnaby is about to say her first word!

There really is an annual cycle race through the streets of the town, which form the background to this episode.  Wallingford bills itself as “the original Causton” with many early episodes (especially involving DS Gavin Troy) filmed in and around the Market Place.

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Wallingford include:
Blue Herrings, Dark Autumn, Dead Man's Eleven, Death in Chorus, Death of a Hollow Man, Death of a Stranger, Strangler's Wood, The Black Book, Death's Shadow.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series.  We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well.  We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.FenĂŞtre 15

Brightwell Baldwin is one of those off-the-beaten-track villages that can be easily transformed into a film set.  The church was used for two separate Midsomer funerals.

“The Glitch” (episode 70, series 12) has location shots filmed in the village.  The main character is George Jeffers, who is concerned that his Kernel Logic software has a glitch and is potentially dangerous.  His estranged wife Melanie and son Tom live in a house in Brightwell Baldwin (pictured here).  It is where we see Tom cycling past the church and throwing down his bike as he arrives at the house.  Later he is seen arguing with his mother at the same house.

This episode is one which uses a particularly large number of other locations, including Turville, Hambleden, Waverley Abbey, Wellington College, Penn and Stoke Poges.  At the end, Barnaby is seen causing havoc as he drives a classic rally car through a cycle race to catch the killer.

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Brightwell Baldwin include:
Destroying Angel, Judgement Day, Talent for Life.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series.  We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well.  We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.FenĂŞtre 2

Henley Town Hall and Market Place feature in scenes from “Last Year’s Model” (episode 51, series 9).  Annie Woodrow is in court, charged with the murder of her best friend.  The area outside of the court building is filmed at Henley Town Hall (seen here) and Market Place, although the courtroom and anteroom are at Kingston-upon-Thames 30 miles away!

Barnaby (John Nettles) is unconvinced about Annie’s guilt and has a discussion with clinical psychologist Pru Plunkett (Siobhan Redmond) about the case, with DS Ben Jones in attendance.  That scene takes place in the bar of the Argyll pub, in Henley Market Place.  Henley Bridge also features in the opening sequence as the prison van drives across.  Later, Jones is “persuaded” to hide in a wardrobe and, upon hearing the signal from an air-horn, jumps out to catch the culprit.

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Henley-on-Thames include:
Dead in the Water, Down Among the Dead Men, The Black Book, The Magician’s Nephew, A Sacred Trust, The Lions of Causton.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series.  We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well.  We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.FenĂŞtre 10

The George Hotel (seen here) and the nearby Fleur de Lys, both feature in scenes from “The Ballad of Midsomer County” (episode 103, series 17).  This episode concerns the mysterious death of the famous folk singer Johnny Carver 20 years ago.  While everyone understood it as suicide, the truth is encapsulated on a hidden tape recording of his last moments.  When the tape is found and falls into the hands of Toby Winning, organiser of the Lower Crosby Folk Festival, it unleashes a spate of murders as the murderer tries to recover the tape and remove all those who might have listened to it.  Toby Winning is the first victim, found in the pub with his face down in a bowl of eggs and live eels, inspired by the lyrics of The Ballad of Midsomer County.

Dorchester-on-Thames is one of the most-used villages for filming Midsomer.  The abbey, the museum, the former post office, and the surrounding streets have all appeared in various episodes.

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Dorchester-on-Thames include:
Dance with the Dead, Dark Autumn, Dead in the Water, Four Funerals and a Wedding, Master Class, Small Mercies, The House in the Woods, The Maid in Splendour, Things that go Bump in the Night, Sleeper under the Hill.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series.  We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well.  We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.FenĂŞtre 23
EWELME, Oxfordshire

This village, pronounced “you-elm”, contains a lot of history, even before Midsomer is mentioned.  Geoffrey Chaucer was the grandfather to the Lady of the Manor, Alice de la Pole.  Her husband William, 1st Duke of Suffolk, was Lord Chamberlain of England.  When he was still a prince, King Henry VIII used to swim in the pond here.  The village has the oldest primary school building in the country.

The view from Rabbit’s Hill above the village (seen here) has set the scene to several Midsomer Murders episodes.  One of those is “The Sword of Guillaume” (episode 75, series 13), the only episode where Tom and John Barnaby solve a case together.  Tom is investigating a dodgy planning deal by Causton mayor Dave Hicks.  He follows him to Brighton where he teams up with his cousin John.  In one scene, they stand overlooking Ewelme discussing the case.  But as the camera pans round, in the opposite direction they are pointing out land to be used for the housing development, which is meant to be in Brighton, 80 miles away!

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Ewelme include:
Beyond the Grave, Secrets and Spies, The Black Book.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series.  We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well.  We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.FenĂŞtre 16
HADDENHAM, Buckinghamshire

“Judgement Day” (episode 12, series 3) features a “Perfect Village” competition with a somewhat dysfunctional judging panel.  Joyce Barnaby (Jane Wymark) has herself won a competition to be one of the judges, so this is an episode where she is very close to the action.  Various villages are used as the places to be judged, with Haddenham (as Little Kirkbridge) featuring prominently.  The village pond and its surrounding houses are clearly seen in much of the story.

Naturally, being Midsomer, competitiveness causes some committee members to be more concerned about how the murders will affect their chances in the competition, leading to frustration for Barnaby when he is trying to solve the crimes.

The episode features its fair share of excellent British character actors, including Moray Watson, Marsha Fitzalan, and husband and wife Tim West and Prunella Scales playing – a husband and wife!

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Haddenham include:
A Talent for Life, Birds of Prey, Crime and Punishment, Judgement Day, Midsomer Life, Murder by Magic, Orchis Fatalis, Shot at Dawn, The Maid in Splendour, Things that go Bump in the Night, Vixen’s Run.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series.  We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well.  We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.
FenĂŞtre 6
WATLINGTON, Oxfordshire

The Chequers features as “The Star” in scenes from “Bad Tidings” (episode 30, series 7).  This is the first time we meet Sergeant Dan Scott, who takes a shine to Cully!  Cully is organising a 10-year reunion with her old school friends who have several secrets to hide, including a baby, who is taken for nocturnal walks in a pram with a squeaky wheel!  As Inspector Barnaby investigates the murder of Midsomer Mallow locals Fiona Thompson and Dr Charles Rust, Cully learns more about her friends’ pasts, which puts her in danger!

Watlington lays claim to being Britain’s smallest town, smaller than some large villages.

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Watlington include:
A Tale of two Hamlets, Dark Autumn, Dead Man’s Eleven, Judgement Day, Midsomer Rhapsody, Orchis Fatalis, Ring out Your Dead, Sins of Commission, The Green Man.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series.  We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well.  We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.FenĂŞtre 8
LONG CRENDON, Buckinghamshire

As its name implies, Long Crendon is a long village.  The High Street is separate from the main road and therefore is easily closed for filming.  At the end of the High Street are the church and Long Crendon courthouse (pictured).  This early 15th century building is a fine example of early timber-framed construction.

In the Midsomer Murders episode “The Dagger Club” (episode 101, series 17) there are interior and exterior scenes where the courthouse is being used as the Luxton Deeping bookshop.  Without giving too much away, the killer is shown to be left-handed.  All very sinister.

The pub, the village shop and Church House have all featured in Midsomer episodes.  The High Street has also been the scene of parades, and many buildings from the very attractive small cottages to the Manor House have often been put to good use as Midsomer residents’ houses.

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Long Crendon include:
A Tale of Two Hamlets, Blood on the Saddle, Blood Wedding, Dead Letters, Death and Dreams, Garden of Death, Not in my Backyard, Second Sight, The Axeman Cometh, The House in the Woods, The Oblong Murders, Things that go Bump in the Night.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series.  We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well.  We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.FenĂŞtre 20
GREAT HASELEY, Oxfordshire

The pub in Great Haseley is the location where Tom Barnaby is invited to play Aunt Sally (Oxfordshire skittles) in “Dark Autumn” (episode 18, series 4) and impresses the locals with his skill.  Dave Cutler, the village postman, has been rather too friendly with various women of the village before his murder.

The building in the picture, Great Haseley Village Hall, is a classic example of the same building being used in different episodes for diverse purposes.  This featured as an antique shop in “Dark Autumn” but also has been a venue for a photographic competition, for a book signing session, for a recital, and actually as a village hall in “Blood Wedding”.

The village also has many pretty cottages, which have featured regularly.

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Great Haseley include:
Blood on the Saddle, Blood Wedding, Dark Autumn, Days of Misrule, Hidden Depths, Midsomer Rhapsody, Not in my Backyard, Picture of Innocence, The Fisher King, The Silent Land.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series.  We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well.  We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.FenĂŞtre 24
OLD BEACONSFIELD, Buckinghamshire

Beaconsfield features in scenes from "The Christmas Haunting" (episode 96, series 16).  This is the episode where Les Dennis plays the part of Brendan Pierce who tries to run off with the village's Christmas appeal fund, a soldier goes AWOL, a publican is found dead in a freezer and everyone seems mad about the paranormal!

The location for Brendan's shop was in Aylesbury End, one of the four roads which meet near the parish church.  Old Beaconsfield is a very popular filming location as it has delightful Georgian architecture and lots of small and charming independent shops and cafes and a regular market by the church.

In recent series, Beaconsfield Registration Office has been used as the exterior of Causton Police Headquarters.  The picture shows filming at another Beaconsfield location, with John Barnaby (Neil Dudgeon) and Jamie Winter (Nick Hendrix) taking a, no doubt, well-earned break.

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Beaconsfield include:
Not in my Backyard, The Noble Art, A Rare Bird, Hidden Depths, Blue Herrings, Four Funerals and a Wedding, Ghosts of Christmas Past, The Made to Measure Murders, Written in Blood.

We hope that you have enjoyed discovering Midsomer county through our Advent calendar, and that you will be inspired to visit in person.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series.  We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well.  We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.FenĂŞtre 13
HURLEY, Berkshire

“The Wolf Hunter of Little Worthy" (episode 127, series 22) was filmed in Hurley in October 2020.  The residents of the village are very used to seeing the Bentley production team in the village as many episodes have been filmed there, starring both Barnabys at different times.

This time the village was re-incarnated as the Midsomer village of Little Worthy with action taking place in the 14th century barn, the village hairdressers and 14th century The Old Bell Inn that was transformed into "The Lamb" pub.  This picture was taken when the film crew was in residence.

The story?  A struggling local photographer creates the myth of the Wolf Hunter.  It becomes a cult and visitors flock to the village.  But suddenly a murder blurs the lines between myth and reality.

One of our trio became an extra for one of the Hurley episodes, “The Lions of Causton” (episode 120, series 20) although those scenes were filmed in a pub 20 miles away!  See if you can spot her.

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Hurley include:
Blue Herrings, Midsomer Life, The Ghost of Causton Abbey, They Seek him Here, A Rare Bird, Let us Prey.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series.  We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well.  We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.FenĂŞtre 4
OLD AMERSHAM, Buckinghamshire

Sometimes the Midsomer Murders crew leaves its spiritual home in Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire and goes further afield, as in the 100th episode “The Killings of Copenhagen” (episode 100, series 16) which was mainly filmed in Denmark.  Our budget does not stretch as far as to follow them.  However, other scenes were shot closer to home in Old Amersham.  The High Street and the town hall (pictured) are often used for positioning shots, and the old maltings, a short distance away, doubled as the Calder biscuit factory, where the culprit was eventually tracked down.

Amersham is often used in other films and TV series, most famously in the film “Four Weddings and a Funeral” (not to be confused with Midsomer’s “Four Funerals and a Wedding”).

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Amersham include:
Blue Herrings, Dead Man’s Eleven, Death in Disguise, Death of a Hollow Man, Sauce for the Goose, The Killings at Badger’s Drift, The Killings of Copenhagen, Who Killed Cock Robin?

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series.  We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well.  We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.
FenĂŞtre 7
TURVILLE, Buckinghamshire

The village of Turville is no stranger to television and film crews.  Most famously it is the setting for the television comedy series “The Vicar of Dibley” starring Dawn French.  It is also the location for “Goodnight, Mr. Tom” and of the windmill in “Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang”.

Midsomer Murders has visited Turville a few times.  In a memorable opening scene in “The Straw Woman” (episode 34 series 7) a huge bonfire is lit on the village green.  Unfortunately, the parish curate has been drugged, is trapped inside the bonfire, and is burned to death.  Later, two other characters also suffer a horrible death by burning.  Visitors to the green where the scene was filmed often remark how much smaller it seems in real life than on the “small” screen.

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Turville include:
Dark Autumn, Murder on St. Malley’s Day, Schooled in Murder.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series.  We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well.  We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.FenĂŞtre 18
THAME, Oxfordshire

Thame’s Citizen’s Advice Bureau (pictured) features as the “Midsomer Life” magazine office in the episode “Midsomer Life” (episode 63, series 11).  This is the one where Selina Cadell plays the part of Eleanor Crouch, a barmaid who likes a tipple, and is found dead in a giant washing machine!  There are a few murders in this episode, the first one being a mystery man found dead in the woods.  After the initial suspect Guy Sandys is found stabbed to death in the Midsomer Life offices, Barnaby and Jones’ attention is brought to a newspaper scoop by the magazine Editor, Julia Benson, from 14 years previously.

Thame is regularly used as Midsomer's main town, Causton.  Other buildings used include the Town Hall, the museum, the Spread Eagle Hotel, the Oxfam bookshop and Rumsey's Chocolaterie.

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Thame include:
Blood Wedding, Days of Misrule, Dead in the Water, Not in my Backyard, Pictures of Innocence, Shot at Dawn, The Ghost of Causton Abbey, The House in the Woods, The Maid in Splendour, Things that go Bump in the Night, Vixen’s Run.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series.  We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well.  We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.FenĂŞtre 22
GREYS COURT, Rotherfield Greys, Oxfordshire

The gardens at Greys Court represent the monastery gardens in scenes from “Orchis Fatalis” (episode 38, series 8).  This episode centres around the weird and wonderful world of obsessive collectors!  Barnaby and Scott are called to Midsomer Malham to investigate the murder of Madeline Villiers shortly after the Midsomer Malham flower show at which someone has exhibited a rare orchid.  When a search of her house reveals a diary written in Latin, they take it to Brother Robert, a monk at the local monastery, for translation.  There is a lovely comic moment when Brother Robert admits that he quite enjoyed the task, because not only does it reveal that she was selling rare, smuggled orchids, but it also reveals a rather colourful sex life!!!

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Rotherfield Greys and Rotherfield Peppard include:
Blood Wedding, Death’s Shadow, King’s Crystal.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series.  We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well.  We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.FenĂŞtre 5
NETTLEBED, Oxfordshire

Yes, they just had to bring John Nettles to film at Nettlebed didn’t they?  And the big house nearby is called, appropriately, Joyce Court.  Although there is no connection with Nettles’ family, Joyce Court was once the home of the Fleming family.  Their nephew, Ian Fleming, used to visit, picking up ideas for his James Bond books.  That building is soon to be converted into luxury apartments but was used as Bledlow Manor in “Blood Wedding”.

The building pictured here, Nettlebed Village Hall, might not be familiar from the outside.  But its interior has been used three times as a dance hall, most nostalgically for a 1940s evening in “Dance with the Dead” (episode 52, series 10).  Tom dances with Joyce, Ben Jones dances with Cully and in between times three murders are committed - and solved.

As so often happens in Midsomer Murders, different parts are filmed elsewhere, and exterior shots of this dance venue were filmed at a school 10 miles away!

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Nettlebed include:
Blood Wedding, Dance with the Dead, Death and Dust, The Ballad of Midsomer County, The Magician’s Nephew, The Maid in Splendour.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series.  We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well.  We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.FenĂŞtre 12

The cricket pavilion in Littlewick Green features in scenes from “A Talent for Life” (episode 24, series 6).  It appears in this episode as bachelor Quentin Roka’s antique shop.  The action concentrates around Isobel Hewitt (played by Honor Blackman), a fast-living spendthrift 75-year-old, who enjoys speeding in her red Jaguar!  When Isobel and multiple-philanderer Dr. Duncan Goff are found battered to death by the river and publican Keith Scholey is found frozen to death in his walk-in freezer, is cheating at the bottom of it or is there something fishier going on?

Littlewick Green is another one of those villages that is ideal for filming as it is off the main road.  It is also known as the place which entertainer and composer Ivor Novello made his home.

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Littlewick Green include:
Dead Man’s Eleven, Death of the Small Coppers, The Animal Within, Death and the Divas.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series.  We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well.  We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.FenĂŞtre 9
LITTLE MARLOW and MARLOW, Buckinghamshire

Little Marlow is a cul-de-sac (a dead end you might say) so it is one of those villages where it is easy for the film crew to shut off the road whilst filming.  The church and pub have both been used.  In “The Noble Art” (episode 79, series 13) the village green (pictured) is used as the location where Tom Sayers’ statue is unveiled, although scenes from that episode were also filmed in six or seven other locations, often many miles away.  That’s the skill of the director in pulling it all together so we see it all as seamless.

Various locations have also been used in the adjacent town of Marlow, including the Two Brewers pub, Marlow Library, the churchyard (inevitably) and a couple of private houses.

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Marlow or Little Marlow include:
Death of the Small Coppers, King’s Crystal, Sauce for the Goose, The Black Book, Faithful unto Death, Ring out your Dead, Tainted Fruit, The Noble Art.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series.  We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well.  We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.
FenĂŞtre 21
BLEDLOW, Buckinghamshire

This is the church that everyone wants to know about.  In “Death’s Shadow” (episode 6, series 2) the Reverend Stephen Wentworth, played by British character actor Richard Briers, jumps from the church tower.  This is the one!  Richard Briers is quoted as saying that he was worried that as he jumped off the top he would miss the safety net.

The village was even given the name “Badger’s Drift” for this episode, even though the original location for the same village was elsewhere.  But after these early episodes, the producers became more imaginative with their village naming.
Like many places used for filming Midsomer, Bledlow is somewhat inaccessible.  Indeed, two of the approaches have low railway bridges.  Nevertheless, the church and the Lions of Bledlow pub have been frequently used as filming locations.

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Bledlow include:
A Worm in the Bud, Birds of Prey, Blue Herrings, Dark Autumn, Dead Man’s Eleven, King’s Crystal, Saints and Sinners, The House in the Woods, The Killings at Badger’s Drift, A Rare Bird, The Sting of Death.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series.  We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well.  We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.FenĂŞtre 19

Windsor, with the castle dominating every view, is such a well-known location that it is surprising that Midsomer Murders has been filmed there.  But it has had its moment in the fictional limelight, as has its equally famous neighbour across the river, Eton.

The castle view across Windsor/Eton Bridge was seen in “Death in the Slow Lane” (episode 82, series 14).  This was the very first case for John Barnaby since taking over from his cousin Tom.  Much of the episode, involving classic cars, was filmed at Bearwood College near Wokingham.  But a familiar scene is where Barnaby, and DS Jones, are seen leaving the magistrate’s court (in reality, part of a Windsor hotel) and crossing the bridge.

In one of Midsomer’s more inventive murders, one of the characters is killed by being pinned against a wall by a car starting handle.

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Windsor and Eton include:
Bantling Boy, Death in Chorus, The Magician’s Nephew, The Black Book.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series.  We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well.  We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.FenĂŞtre 3
HAMBLEDEN, Buckinghamshire

This farm, just outside the village of Hambleden, has been used in at least two episodes including “Death of the Small Coppers” (episode 118, series 20).  The story is not about little police officers dying.  It refers to butterflies of that name, and Barnaby’s investigation into the death of a butterfly collector who is also a founding member of an elite society, Circulus.  Danish actress Ann Eleonora Jørgensen reprises her role from “The Killings of Copenhagen” to assist Barnaby and Winter.

Hambleden village itself is well-known to the Midsomer Murders crew.  It includes a small vehicle-repair garage that has been used in four different episodes, the obligatory pub and church, and a village street that just oozes Midsomer.  Nearby, at Mill End, the lock, weir, and mill on the River Thames are very familiar for the times when the script calls for a drowning or river scene.

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Hambleden or Mill End include:
A Dying Art, A Vintage Murder, Blood Will Out, Death of the Small Coppers, Down Among the Dead Men, Strangler’s Wood, The Glitch, Who Killed Cock Robin? Wild Harvest, The Animal Within.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series.  We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well.  We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.FenĂŞtre 17
WARBOROUGH, Oxfordshire

The Six Bells features in scenes from “Second Sight” (episode 40, series 8).  In this episode, The Six Bells becomes “The Luck in the World”, a pub run by Jimmy Kirby who comes from a family who can see into the future.  Max Ransome is a rich boy and mad scientist, who builds a giant wire electric cage in his cellar to make himself achieve second sight; but he, his brother and his father soon meet the wrath of the murderer.  Meanwhile “Preaching Pete” is trying to fight paganism and Little Mal Kirby is petrified of going to church!  And why does the baby keep crying unexpectedly?

If you like the location, The Six Bells is probably the most filmed pub in Midsomer.  And the picturesque cottages around the green also feature in many episodes.  There is hardly an ugly building amongst them.

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Warborough include:
Bad Tidings, Left for Dead, Market for Murder, Sins of Commission, The Great and the Good, The House in the Woods, Sleeper under the Hill.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series.  We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well.  We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.FenĂŞtre 14
NEWINGTON, Oxfordshire

Many episodes of Midsomer Murders feature a large country house or mansion.  Whilst they all exist, many are not accessible from a main road.  One that can be seen is Newington House.  These days it is an exclusive weddings and country pursuits venue and has been used in three episodes.

In “Tainted Fruit” (episode 19, series 5) it is the home of the Townsend family.  The daughter Melissa is injected with poison whilst sunbathing and, despite trying to attract her father’s attention, she dies.  Her body is later found by other cast members who had been playing tennis nearby, and Barnaby and Troy have a murder on their hands.  The adjacent church can also be seen in various scenes.

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Newington include:
Market for Murder, The Sword of Guillaume.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series.  We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well.  We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.FenĂŞtre 1
LITTLE MISSENDEN, Buckinghamshire

This was where it all began.  Much of the filming of the pilot episode, “The Killings at Badger’s Drift” (episode 1, series 1) took place here.  This is still mentioned by some people as their favourite episode.

In the beginning there was no name for the county of Midsomer.  Caroline Graham did not refer to Midsomer in her books, although she does mention Causton, and some real places in the area such as Uxbridge and Slough.  There is even a rumour that the pilot was provisionally titled “The Missenden Murders”.  Later, the name Midsomer is believed to have come from Midsomer Norton in Somerset.

Little Missenden has been used for the filming of many subsequent episodes, most notably the church, the Red Lion pub and The Manor House (seen here).

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Little Missenden include:
Bantling Boy, Dead Letters, Death and Dust, Destroying Angel, Four Funerals and a Wedding, Picture of Innocence, Small Mercies, Talking to the Dead, The Killings at Badger’s Drift, The Village the Rose from the Dead, Who Killed Cock Robin? Echoes of the Dead.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series.  We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well.  We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.
Contact us on 07827 715353 or
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FenĂŞtre 24

24 OLD BEACONSFIELD, Buckinghamshire

Beaconsfield features in scenes from "The Christmas Haunting" (episode 96, series 16). This is the episode where Les Dennis plays the part of Brendan Pierce who tries to run off with the village's Christmas appeal fund, a soldier goes AWOL, a publican is found dead in a freezer and everyone seems mad about the paranormal!

The location for Brendan's shop was in Aylesbury End, one of the four roads which meet near the parish church. Old Beaconsfield is a very popular filming location as it has delightful Georgian architecture and lots of small and charming independent shops and cafes and a regular market by the church.

In recent series, Beaconsfield Registration Office has been used as the exterior of Causton Police Headquarters. The picture shows filming at another Beaconsfield location, with John Barnaby (Neil Dudgeon) and Jamie Winter (Nick Hendrix) taking a, no doubt, well-earned break.

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Beaconsfield include:
Not in my Backyard, The Noble Art, A Rare Bird, Hidden Depths, Blue Herrings, Four Funerals and a Wedding, Ghosts of Christmas Past, The Made to Measure Murders, Written in Blood.

We hope that you have enjoyed discovering Midsomer county through our Advent calendar, and that you will be inspired to visit in person.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series. We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well. We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.

FenĂŞtre 1
LITTLE MISSENDEN, Buckinghamshire

This was where it all began. Much of the filming of the pilot episode, “The Killings at Badger’s Drift” (episode 1, series 1) took place here. This is still mentioned by some people as their favourite episode.

In the beginning there was no name for the county of Midsomer. Caroline Graham did not refer to Midsomer in her books, although she does mention Causton, and some real places in the area such as Uxbridge and Slough. There is even a rumour that the pilot was provisionally titled “The Missenden Murders”. Later, the name Midsomer is believed to have come from Midsomer Norton in Somerset.

Little Missenden has been used for the filming of many subsequent episodes, most notably the church, the Red Lion pub and The Manor House (seen here).

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Little Missenden include:
Bantling Boy, Dead Letters, Death and Dust, Destroying Angel, Four Funerals and a Wedding, Picture of Innocence, Small Mercies, Talking to the Dead, The Killings at Badger’s Drift, The Village the Rose from the Dead, Who Killed Cock Robin? Echoes of the Dead.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series. We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well. We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.
FenĂŞtre 2

Henley Town Hall and Market Place feature in scenes from “Last Year’s Model” (episode 51, series 9). Annie Woodrow is in court, charged with the murder of her best friend. The area outside of the court building is filmed at Henley Town Hall (seen here) and Market Place, although the courtroom and anteroom are at Kingston-upon-Thames 30 miles away!

Barnaby (John Nettles) is unconvinced about Annie’s guilt and has a discussion with clinical psychologist Pru Plunkett (Siobhan Redmond) about the case, with DS Ben Jones in attendance. That scene takes place in the bar of the Argyll pub, in Henley Market Place. Henley Bridge also features in the opening sequence as the prison van drives across. Later, Jones is “persuaded” to hide in a wardrobe and, upon hearing the signal from an air-horn, jumps out to catch the culprit.

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Henley-on-Thames include:
Dead in the Water, Down Among the Dead Men, The Black Book, The Magician’s Nephew, A Sacred Trust, The Lions of Causton.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series. We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well. We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.
FenĂŞtre 3
HAMBLEDEN, Buckinghamshire

This farm, just outside the village of Hambleden, has been used in at least two episodes including “Death of the Small Coppers” (episode 118, series 20). The story is not about little police officers dying. It refers to butterflies of that name, and Barnaby’s investigation into the death of a butterfly collector who is also a founding member of an elite society, Circulus. Danish actress Ann Eleonora Jørgensen reprises her role from “The Killings of Copenhagen” to assist Barnaby and Winter.

Hambleden village itself is well-known to the Midsomer Murders crew. It includes a small vehicle-repair garage that has been used in four different episodes, the obligatory pub and church, and a village street that just oozes Midsomer. Nearby, at Mill End, the lock, weir, and mill on the River Thames are very familiar for the times when the script calls for a drowning or river scene.

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Hambleden or Mill End include:
A Dying Art, A Vintage Murder, Blood Will Out, Death of the Small Coppers, Down Among the Dead Men, Strangler’s Wood, The Glitch, Who Killed Cock Robin? Wild Harvest, The Animal Within.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series. We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well. We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.
FenĂŞtre 4
OLD AMERSHAM, Buckinghamshire

Sometimes the Midsomer Murders crew leaves its spiritual home in Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire and goes further afield, as in the 100th episode “The Killings of Copenhagen” (episode 100, series 16) which was mainly filmed in Denmark. Our budget does not stretch as far as to follow them. However, other scenes were shot closer to home in Old Amersham. The High Street and the town hall (pictured) are often used for positioning shots, and the old maltings, a short distance away, doubled as the Calder biscuit factory, where the culprit was eventually tracked down.

Amersham is often used in other films and TV series, most famously in the film “Four Weddings and a Funeral” (not to be confused with Midsomer’s “Four Funerals and a Wedding”).

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Amersham include:
Blue Herrings, Dead Man’s Eleven, Death in Disguise, Death of a Hollow Man, Sauce for the Goose, The Killings at Badger’s Drift, The Killings of Copenhagen, Who Killed Cock Robin?

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series. We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well. We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.
FenĂŞtre 5
NETTLEBED, Oxfordshire

Yes, they just had to bring John Nettles to film at Nettlebed didn’t they? And the big house nearby is called, appropriately, Joyce Court. Although there is no connection with Nettles’ family, Joyce Court was once the home of the Fleming family. Their nephew, Ian Fleming, used to visit, picking up ideas for his James Bond books. That building is soon to be converted into luxury apartments but was used as Bledlow Manor in “Blood Wedding”.

The building pictured here, Nettlebed Village Hall, might not be familiar from the outside. But its interior has been used three times as a dance hall, most nostalgically for a 1940s evening in “Dance with the Dead” (episode 52, series 10). Tom dances with Joyce, Ben Jones dances with Cully and in between times three murders are committed - and solved.

As so often happens in Midsomer Murders, different parts are filmed elsewhere, and exterior shots of this dance venue were filmed at a school 10 miles away!

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Nettlebed include:
Blood Wedding, Dance with the Dead, Death and Dust, The Ballad of Midsomer County, The Magician’s Nephew, The Maid in Splendour.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series. We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well. We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.
FenĂŞtre 6
WATLINGTON, Oxfordshire

The Chequers features as “The Star” in scenes from “Bad Tidings” (episode 30, series 7). This is the first time we meet Sergeant Dan Scott, who takes a shine to Cully! Cully is organising a 10-year reunion with her old school friends who have several secrets to hide, including a baby, who is taken for nocturnal walks in a pram with a squeaky wheel! As Inspector Barnaby investigates the murder of Midsomer Mallow locals Fiona Thompson and Dr Charles Rust, Cully learns more about her friends’ pasts, which puts her in danger!

Watlington lays claim to being Britain’s smallest town, smaller than some large villages.

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Watlington include:
A Tale of two Hamlets, Dark Autumn, Dead Man’s Eleven, Judgement Day, Midsomer Rhapsody, Orchis Fatalis, Ring out Your Dead, Sins of Commission, The Green Man.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series. We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well. We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.
FenĂŞtre 7
TURVILLE, Buckinghamshire

The village of Turville is no stranger to television and film crews. Most famously it is the setting for the television comedy series “The Vicar of Dibley” starring Dawn French. It is also the location for “Goodnight, Mr. Tom” and of the windmill in “Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang”.

Midsomer Murders has visited Turville a few times. In a memorable opening scene in “The Straw Woman” (episode 34 series 7) a huge bonfire is lit on the village green. Unfortunately, the parish curate has been drugged, is trapped inside the bonfire, and is burned to death. Later, two other characters also suffer a horrible death by burning. Visitors to the green where the scene was filmed often remark how much smaller it seems in real life than on the “small” screen.

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Turville include:
Dark Autumn, Murder on St. Malley’s Day, Schooled in Murder.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series. We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well. We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.
FenĂŞtre 8
LONG CRENDON, Buckinghamshire

As its name implies, Long Crendon is a long village. The High Street is separate from the main road and therefore is easily closed for filming. At the end of the High Street are the church and Long Crendon courthouse (pictured). This early 15th century building is a fine example of early timber-framed construction.

In the Midsomer Murders episode “The Dagger Club” (episode 101, series 17) there are interior and exterior scenes where the courthouse is being used as the Luxton Deeping bookshop. Without giving too much away, the killer is shown to be left-handed. All very sinister.

The pub, the village shop and Church House have all featured in Midsomer episodes. The High Street has also been the scene of parades, and many buildings from the very attractive small cottages to the Manor House have often been put to good use as Midsomer residents’ houses.

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Long Crendon include:
A Tale of Two Hamlets, Blood on the Saddle, Blood Wedding, Dead Letters, Death and Dreams, Garden of Death, Not in my Backyard, Second Sight, The Axeman Cometh, The House in the Woods, The Oblong Murders, Things that go Bump in the Night.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series. We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well. We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.
FenĂŞtre 9
LITTLE MARLOW and MARLOW, Buckinghamshire

Little Marlow is a cul-de-sac (a dead end you might say) so it is one of those villages where it is easy for the film crew to shut off the road whilst filming. The church and pub have both been used. In “The Noble Art” (episode 79, series 13) the village green (pictured) is used as the location where Tom Sayers’ statue is unveiled, although scenes from that episode were also filmed in six or seven other locations, often many miles away. That’s the skill of the director in pulling it all together so we see it all as seamless.

Various locations have also been used in the adjacent town of Marlow, including the Two Brewers pub, Marlow Library, the churchyard (inevitably) and a couple of private houses.

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Marlow or Little Marlow include:
Death of the Small Coppers, King’s Crystal, Sauce for the Goose, The Black Book, Faithful unto Death, Ring out your Dead, Tainted Fruit, The Noble Art.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series. We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well. We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.
FenĂŞtre 10

The George Hotel (seen here) and the nearby Fleur de Lys, both feature in scenes from “The Ballad of Midsomer County” (episode 103, series 17). This episode concerns the mysterious death of the famous folk singer Johnny Carver 20 years ago. While everyone understood it as suicide, the truth is encapsulated on a hidden tape recording of his last moments. When the tape is found and falls into the hands of Toby Winning, organiser of the Lower Crosby Folk Festival, it unleashes a spate of murders as the murderer tries to recover the tape and remove all those who might have listened to it. Toby Winning is the first victim, found in the pub with his face down in a bowl of eggs and live eels, inspired by the lyrics of The Ballad of Midsomer County.

Dorchester-on-Thames is one of the most-used villages for filming Midsomer. The abbey, the museum, the former post office, and the surrounding streets have all appeared in various episodes.

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Dorchester-on-Thames include:
Dance with the Dead, Dark Autumn, Dead in the Water, Four Funerals and a Wedding, Master Class, Small Mercies, The House in the Woods, The Maid in Splendour, Things that go Bump in the Night, Sleeper under the Hill.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series. We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well. We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.
FenĂŞtre 11
WALLINGFORD, Oxfordshire

Wallingford's Corn Exchange Theatre features in scenes from "Breaking the Chain" (episode 107, series 18). This is a lycra-packed episode, where we enjoy the continuing competition between DS Charlie Nelson and Dr Kam Karimore, the pathologist, as they conduct undercover surveillance during the Burwood Mantle international cycling competition. Bicycles whizz round the town centre, a councillor is accused of a cover-up, families feud and baby Betty Barnaby is about to say her first word!

There really is an annual cycle race through the streets of the town, which form the background to this episode. Wallingford bills itself as “the original Causton” with many early episodes (especially involving DS Gavin Troy) filmed in and around the Market Place.

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Wallingford include:
Blue Herrings, Dark Autumn, Dead Man's Eleven, Death in Chorus, Death of a Hollow Man, Death of a Stranger, Strangler's Wood, The Black Book, Death's Shadow.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series. We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well. We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.
FenĂŞtre 12

The cricket pavilion in Littlewick Green features in scenes from “A Talent for Life” (episode 24, series 6). It appears in this episode as bachelor Quentin Roka’s antique shop. The action concentrates around Isobel Hewitt (played by Honor Blackman), a fast-living spendthrift 75-year-old, who enjoys speeding in her red Jaguar! When Isobel and multiple-philanderer Dr. Duncan Goff are found battered to death by the river and publican Keith Scholey is found frozen to death in his walk-in freezer, is cheating at the bottom of it or is there something fishier going on?

Littlewick Green is another one of those villages that is ideal for filming as it is off the main road. It is also known as the place which entertainer and composer Ivor Novello made his home.

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Littlewick Green include:
Dead Man’s Eleven, Death of the Small Coppers, The Animal Within, Death and the Divas.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series. We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well. We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.
FenĂŞtre 13
HURLEY, Berkshire

“The Wolf Hunter of Little Worthy" (episode 127, series 22) was filmed in Hurley in October 2020. The residents of the village are very used to seeing the Bentley production team in the village as many episodes have been filmed there, starring both Barnabys at different times.

This time the village was re-incarnated as the Midsomer village of Little Worthy with action taking place in the 14th century barn, the village hairdressers and 14th century The Old Bell Inn that was transformed into "The Lamb" pub. This picture was taken when the film crew was in residence.

The story? A struggling local photographer creates the myth of the Wolf Hunter. It becomes a cult and visitors flock to the village. But suddenly a murder blurs the lines between myth and reality.

One of our trio became an extra for one of the Hurley episodes, “The Lions of Causton” (episode 120, series 20) although those scenes were filmed in a pub 20 miles away! See if you can spot her.

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Hurley include:
Blue Herrings, Midsomer Life, The Ghost of Causton Abbey, They Seek him Here, A Rare Bird, Let us Prey.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series. We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well. We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.
FenĂŞtre 14
NEWINGTON, Oxfordshire

Many episodes of Midsomer Murders feature a large country house or mansion. Whilst they all exist, many are not accessible from a main road. One that can be seen is Newington House. These days it is an exclusive weddings and country pursuits venue and has been used in three episodes.

In “Tainted Fruit” (episode 19, series 5) it is the home of the Townsend family. The daughter Melissa is injected with poison whilst sunbathing and, despite trying to attract her father’s attention, she dies. Her body is later found by other cast members who had been playing tennis nearby, and Barnaby and Troy have a murder on their hands. The adjacent church can also be seen in various scenes.

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Newington include:
Market for Murder, The Sword of Guillaume.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series. We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well. We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.
FenĂŞtre 15

Brightwell Baldwin is one of those off-the-beaten-track villages that can be easily transformed into a film set. The church was used for two separate Midsomer funerals.

“The Glitch” (episode 70, series 12) has location shots filmed in the village. The main character is George Jeffers, who is concerned that his Kernel Logic software has a glitch and is potentially dangerous. His estranged wife Melanie and son Tom live in a house in Brightwell Baldwin (pictured here). It is where we see Tom cycling past the church and throwing down his bike as he arrives at the house. Later he is seen arguing with his mother at the same house.

This episode is one which uses a particularly large number of other locations, including Turville, Hambleden, Waverley Abbey, Wellington College, Penn and Stoke Poges. At the end, Barnaby is seen causing havoc as he drives a classic rally car through a cycle race to catch the killer.

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Brightwell Baldwin include:
Destroying Angel, Judgement Day, Talent for Life.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series. We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well. We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.
FenĂŞtre 16
HADDENHAM, Buckinghamshire

“Judgement Day” (episode 12, series 3) features a “Perfect Village” competition with a somewhat dysfunctional judging panel. Joyce Barnaby (Jane Wymark) has herself won a competition to be one of the judges, so this is an episode where she is very close to the action. Various villages are used as the places to be judged, with Haddenham (as Little Kirkbridge) featuring prominently. The village pond and its surrounding houses are clearly seen in much of the story.

Naturally, being Midsomer, competitiveness causes some committee members to be more concerned about how the murders will affect their chances in the competition, leading to frustration for Barnaby when he is trying to solve the crimes.

The episode features its fair share of excellent British character actors, including Moray Watson, Marsha Fitzalan, and husband and wife Tim West and Prunella Scales playing – a husband and wife!

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Haddenham include:
A Talent for Life, Birds of Prey, Crime and Punishment, Judgement Day, Midsomer Life, Murder by Magic, Orchis Fatalis, Shot at Dawn, The Maid in Splendour, Things that go Bump in the Night, Vixen’s Run.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series. We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well. We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.
FenĂŞtre 17
WARBOROUGH, Oxfordshire

The Six Bells features in scenes from “Second Sight” (episode 40, series 8). In this episode, The Six Bells becomes “The Luck in the World”, a pub run by Jimmy Kirby who comes from a family who can see into the future. Max Ransome is a rich boy and mad scientist, who builds a giant wire electric cage in his cellar to make himself achieve second sight; but he, his brother and his father soon meet the wrath of the murderer. Meanwhile “Preaching Pete” is trying to fight paganism and Little Mal Kirby is petrified of going to church! And why does the baby keep crying unexpectedly?

If you like the location, The Six Bells is probably the most filmed pub in Midsomer. And the picturesque cottages around the green also feature in many episodes. There is hardly an ugly building amongst them.

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Warborough include:
Bad Tidings, Left for Dead, Market for Murder, Sins of Commission, The Great and the Good, The House in the Woods, Sleeper under the Hill.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series. We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well. We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.
FenĂŞtre 18
THAME, Oxfordshire

Thame’s Citizen’s Advice Bureau (pictured) features as the “Midsomer Life” magazine office in the episode “Midsomer Life” (episode 63, series 11). This is the one where Selina Cadell plays the part of Eleanor Crouch, a barmaid who likes a tipple, and is found dead in a giant washing machine! There are a few murders in this episode, the first one being a mystery man found dead in the woods. After the initial suspect Guy Sandys is found stabbed to death in the Midsomer Life offices, Barnaby and Jones’ attention is brought to a newspaper scoop by the magazine Editor, Julia Benson, from 14 years previously.

Thame is regularly used as Midsomer's main town, Causton. Other buildings used include the Town Hall, the museum, the Spread Eagle Hotel, the Oxfam bookshop and Rumsey's Chocolaterie.

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Thame include:
Blood Wedding, Days of Misrule, Dead in the Water, Not in my Backyard, Pictures of Innocence, Shot at Dawn, The Ghost of Causton Abbey, The House in the Woods, The Maid in Splendour, Things that go Bump in the Night, Vixen’s Run.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series. We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well. We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.
FenĂŞtre 19

Windsor, with the castle dominating every view, is such a well-known location that it is surprising that Midsomer Murders has been filmed there. But it has had its moment in the fictional limelight, as has its equally famous neighbour across the river, Eton.

The castle view across Windsor/Eton Bridge was seen in “Death in the Slow Lane” (episode 82, series 14). This was the very first case for John Barnaby since taking over from his cousin Tom. Much of the episode, involving classic cars, was filmed at Bearwood College near Wokingham. But a familiar scene is where Barnaby, and DS Jones, are seen leaving the magistrate’s court (in reality, part of a Windsor hotel) and crossing the bridge.

In one of Midsomer’s more inventive murders, one of the characters is killed by being pinned against a wall by a car starting handle.

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Windsor and Eton include:
Bantling Boy, Death in Chorus, The Magician’s Nephew, The Black Book.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series. We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well. We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.
FenĂŞtre 20
GREAT HASELEY, Oxfordshire

The pub in Great Haseley is the location where Tom Barnaby is invited to play Aunt Sally (Oxfordshire skittles) in “Dark Autumn” (episode 18, series 4) and impresses the locals with his skill. Dave Cutler, the village postman, has been rather too friendly with various women of the village before his murder.

The building in the picture, Great Haseley Village Hall, is a classic example of the same building being used in different episodes for diverse purposes. This featured as an antique shop in “Dark Autumn” but also has been a venue for a photographic competition, for a book signing session, for a recital, and actually as a village hall in “Blood Wedding”.

The village also has many pretty cottages, which have featured regularly.

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Great Haseley include:
Blood on the Saddle, Blood Wedding, Dark Autumn, Days of Misrule, Hidden Depths, Midsomer Rhapsody, Not in my Backyard, Picture of Innocence, The Fisher King, The Silent Land.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series. We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well. We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.
FenĂŞtre 21
BLEDLOW, Buckinghamshire

This is the church that everyone wants to know about. In “Death’s Shadow” (episode 6, series 2) the Reverend Stephen Wentworth, played by British character actor Richard Briers, jumps from the church tower. This is the one! Richard Briers is quoted as saying that he was worried that as he jumped off the top he would miss the safety net.

The village was even given the name “Badger’s Drift” for this episode, even though the original location for the same village was elsewhere. But after these early episodes, the producers became more imaginative with their village naming.
Like many places used for filming Midsomer, Bledlow is somewhat inaccessible. Indeed, two of the approaches have low railway bridges. Nevertheless, the church and the Lions of Bledlow pub have been frequently used as filming locations.

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Bledlow include:
A Worm in the Bud, Birds of Prey, Blue Herrings, Dark Autumn, Dead Man’s Eleven, King’s Crystal, Saints and Sinners, The House in the Woods, The Killings at Badger’s Drift, A Rare Bird, The Sting of Death.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series. We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well. We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.
FenĂŞtre 22
GREYS COURT, Rotherfield Greys, Oxfordshire

The gardens at Greys Court represent the monastery gardens in scenes from “Orchis Fatalis” (episode 38, series 8). This episode centres around the weird and wonderful world of obsessive collectors! Barnaby and Scott are called to Midsomer Malham to investigate the murder of Madeline Villiers shortly after the Midsomer Malham flower show at which someone has exhibited a rare orchid. When a search of her house reveals a diary written in Latin, they take it to Brother Robert, a monk at the local monastery, for translation. There is a lovely comic moment when Brother Robert admits that he quite enjoyed the task, because not only does it reveal that she was selling rare, smuggled orchids, but it also reveals a rather colourful sex life!!!

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Rotherfield Greys and Rotherfield Peppard include:
Blood Wedding, Death’s Shadow, King’s Crystal.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series. We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well. We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.
FenĂŞtre 23
EWELME, Oxfordshire

This village, pronounced “you-elm”, contains a lot of history, even before Midsomer is mentioned. Geoffrey Chaucer was the grandfather to the Lady of the Manor, Alice de la Pole. Her husband William, 1st Duke of Suffolk, was Lord Chamberlain of England. When he was still a prince, King Henry VIII used to swim in the pond here. The village has the oldest primary school building in the country.

The view from Rabbit’s Hill above the village (seen here) has set the scene to several Midsomer Murders episodes. One of those is “The Sword of Guillaume” (episode 75, series 13), the only episode where Tom and John Barnaby solve a case together. Tom is investigating a dodgy planning deal by Causton mayor Dave Hicks. He follows him to Brighton where he teams up with his cousin John. In one scene, they stand overlooking Ewelme discussing the case. But as the camera pans round, in the opposite direction they are pointing out land to be used for the housing development, which is meant to be in Brighton, 80 miles away!

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Ewelme include:
Beyond the Grave, Secrets and Spies, The Black Book.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series. We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well. We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.
FenĂŞtre 24
OLD BEACONSFIELD, Buckinghamshire

Beaconsfield features in scenes from "The Christmas Haunting" (episode 96, series 16). This is the episode where Les Dennis plays the part of Brendan Pierce who tries to run off with the village's Christmas appeal fund, a soldier goes AWOL, a publican is found dead in a freezer and everyone seems mad about the paranormal!

The location for Brendan's shop was in Aylesbury End, one of the four roads which meet near the parish church. Old Beaconsfield is a very popular filming location as it has delightful Georgian architecture and lots of small and charming independent shops and cafes and a regular market by the church.

In recent series, Beaconsfield Registration Office has been used as the exterior of Causton Police Headquarters. The picture shows filming at another Beaconsfield location, with John Barnaby (Neil Dudgeon) and Jamie Winter (Nick Hendrix) taking a, no doubt, well-earned break.

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Beaconsfield include:
Not in my Backyard, The Noble Art, A Rare Bird, Hidden Depths, Blue Herrings, Four Funerals and a Wedding, Ghosts of Christmas Past, The Made to Measure Murders, Written in Blood.

We hope that you have enjoyed discovering Midsomer county through our Advent calendar, and that you will be inspired to visit in person.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series. We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well. We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.

On sera heureux d accepter votre support au projet Advientos. Merci!

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