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18 Mai 2024, ouvrez la fenĂȘtre numĂ©ro 2
(DerniĂšre fenĂȘtre le 25 DĂ©cembre 2016)
Browns' Starting QBs Since 1999
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FenĂȘtre 1
Detmer was traded to the Cleveland Browns in 1999; the Browns wanted him to mentor rookie quarterback Tim Couch. Detmer started the first game of the 1999 season, then served as backup until Couch sprained his foot in week 15. He started the final game of the 1999 season.[8] Detmer injured his right Achilles and was inactive the entire 2000 season. (Wikipedia)
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FenĂȘtre 1

1 Detmer was traded to the Cleveland Browns in 1999; the Browns wanted him to mentor rookie quarterback Tim Couch. Detmer started the first game of the 1999 season, then served as backup until Couch sprained his foot in week 15. He started the final game of the 1999 season.[8] Detmer injured his right Achilles and was inactive the entire 2000 season. (Wikipedia)

FenĂȘtre 1
Detmer was traded to the Cleveland Browns in 1999; the Browns wanted him to mentor rookie quarterback Tim Couch. Detmer started the first game of the 1999 season, then served as backup until Couch sprained his foot in week 15. He started the final game of the 1999 season.[8] Detmer injured his right Achilles and was inactive the entire 2000 season. (Wikipedia)

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"Browns Starting QBs "
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