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19 Mai 2024, ouvrez la fenĂȘtre numĂ©ro 2
(DerniĂšre fenĂȘtre le 18 Octobre 2016)
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FenĂȘtre 1
Portugal is situated on the west coast of the Iberian Peninsula.It is bathed by the Atlantic Ocean to the west and south, and is bordered by Spain to the north and east.
Apart from the mainland, Portugal has to archipelagos Madeira and Azores, with the status of autonomous regions, situated about 1076 km (Madeira) and 1639 km (Azores) to the west.
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FenĂȘtre 1

1 Portugal is situated on the west coast of the Iberian Peninsula.It is bathed by the Atlantic Ocean to the west and south, and is bordered by Spain to the north and east.
Apart from the mainland, Portugal has to archipelagos Madeira and Azores, with the status of autonomous regions, situated about 1076 km (Madeira) and 1639 km (Azores) to the west.

FenĂȘtre 1
Portugal is situated on the west coast of the Iberian Peninsula.It is bathed by the Atlantic Ocean to the west and south, and is bordered by Spain to the north and east.
Apart from the mainland, Portugal has to archipelagos Madeira and Azores, with the status of autonomous regions, situated about 1076 km (Madeira) and 1639 km (Azores) to the west.

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