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18 Mai 2024, öffne Türchen Nr. 2
(letztes Türchen 20 Dezember 2012)
Bulldog Activity Countdown to Winter Break!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Los! Worauf wartest du?
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Türchen 1
        Make a holiday wish list today!

Make a holiday wish list of all the things you hope to get or buy that you really want.  Even though its easy to ask for all the newest electronics and items out there, do keep in mind that the holidays are also a time to give back and not just receive.  So on everyones holiday wish list volunteering should be #1 and really reflect how you can help and give back to your family, community, and others around this holiday season!
Free of Bull, Full of Bulldog!
[Nochmal von vorne]       [ Gehe zum Türchen 20]

Wir freuen uns, wenn ihr das Advientos Projekt unterstützen würdet.

Türchen 12

12 Find the #1 decorated house in your town today!

Talk a walk or a drive today around your neighborhood and other towns to see all the different houses decorated and lite up for the holiday season. Then pick out your favorite decorated house and maybe you will get some ideas for your home foe next season.


Türchen 1
Make a holiday wish list today!

Make a holiday wish list of all the things you hope to get or buy that you really want. Even though its easy to ask for all the newest electronics and items out there, do keep in mind that the holidays are also a time to give back and not just receive. So on everyones holiday wish list volunteering should be #1 and really reflect how you can help and give back to your family, community, and others around this holiday season!

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"RB Winter Countdown!"
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