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17 Mai 2024, öffne Türchen Nr. 1
(letztes Türchen 24 Dezember 2021)
Happy Advent from Midsomer Tours
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Türchen 6

6 WATLINGTON, Oxfordshire

The Chequers features as “The Star” in scenes from “Bad Tidings” (episode 30, series 7). This is the first time we meet Sergeant Dan Scott, who takes a shine to Cully! Cully is organising a 10-year reunion with her old school friends who have several secrets to hide, including a baby, who is taken for nocturnal walks in a pram with a squeaky wheel! As Inspector Barnaby investigates the murder of Midsomer Mallow locals Fiona Thompson and Dr Charles Rust, Cully learns more about her friends’ pasts, which puts her in danger!

Watlington lays claim to being Britain’s smallest town, smaller than some large villages.

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Watlington include:
A Tale of two Hamlets, Dark Autumn, Dead Man’s Eleven, Judgement Day, Midsomer Rhapsody, Orchis Fatalis, Ring out Your Dead, Sins of Commission, The Green Man.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series. We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well. We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.

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