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17 Mai 2024, öffne Türchen Nr. 1
(letztes Türchen 24 Dezember 2021)
Happy Advent from Midsomer Tours
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Türchen 2

2 HENLEY-ON-THAMES, Oxfordshire

Henley Town Hall and Market Place feature in scenes from “Last Year’s Model” (episode 51, series 9). Annie Woodrow is in court, charged with the murder of her best friend. The area outside of the court building is filmed at Henley Town Hall (seen here) and Market Place, although the courtroom and anteroom are at Kingston-upon-Thames 30 miles away!

Barnaby (John Nettles) is unconvinced about Annie’s guilt and has a discussion with clinical psychologist Pru Plunkett (Siobhan Redmond) about the case, with DS Ben Jones in attendance. That scene takes place in the bar of the Argyll pub, in Henley Market Place. Henley Bridge also features in the opening sequence as the prison van drives across. Later, Jones is “persuaded” to hide in a wardrobe and, upon hearing the signal from an air-horn, jumps out to catch the culprit.

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Henley-on-Thames include:
Dead in the Water, Down Among the Dead Men, The Black Book, The Magician’s Nephew, A Sacred Trust, The Lions of Causton.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series. We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well. We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.

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