Warning: Undefined array key "ultima_visita_374-5529" in /home1/valviasc/public_html/advientos/destinatarios-publico.php on line 207

Warning: Undefined array key "ultima_visita_374-5529" in /home1/valviasc/public_html/advientos/destinatarios-publico.php on line 207
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16 Juni 2024
Warning: Undefined array key "ultima_visita_374-5529" in /home1/valviasc/public_html/advientos/destinatarios-publico.php on line 291

Warning: Undefined array key "ultima_visita_374-5529" in /home1/valviasc/public_html/advientos/destinatarios-publico.php on line 291
, öffne Türchen Nr. 1
(letztes Türchen 20 Dezember 2008)
Obama Speech
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!

Warning: Undefined array key "ultima_visita_374-5529" in /home1/valviasc/public_html/advientos/functions-ventanas.php on line 101
Los! Worauf wartest du?
[Nochmal von vorne]
Warning: Undefined array key "ultima_visita_374-5529" in /home1/valviasc/public_html/advientos/destinatarios-publico.php on line 375
      [ Gehe zum Türchen 25]

Wir freuen uns, wenn ihr das Advientos Projekt unterstützen würdet.

Türchen 25

25 This is our chance to answer that call. This is our moment. This is our time - to put our people back to work and open doors of opportunity for our kids; to restore prosperity and promote the cause of peace; to reclaim the American Dream and reaffirm that fundamental truth - that out of many, we are one; that while we breathe, we hope, and where we are met with cynicism, and doubt, and those who tell us that we can't, we will respond with that timeless creed that sums up the spirit of a people:

Yes We Can. Thank you, God bless you, and may God Bless the United States of America.

Warning: Undefined array key "ultima_visita_374-5529" in /home1/valviasc/public_html/advientos/destinatarios-publico.php on line 432

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