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1 junio 2024
Warning: Undefined array key "ultima_visita_31049-7483" in /home1/valviasc/public_html/advientos/destinatarios-publico.php on line 291

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, abre la ventana número 1
(Ultima ventana 25 diciembre 2018)
Advent Calendar 2018/ Donations below do not go to us.
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!

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¡Vamos! a que esperas?!!
Organized by Malisha Fuller - Quotes:Stephi Marsh
[Empezar de nuevo]
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      [ Ir a la ventana 25]

Agradecemos a los que puedan contribuir al funcionamiento de Advientos. Gracias!

Ventana nº 2

2 Dec 2nd: Make a list for what your stuffing in stockings this year or a list of small items you usually buy.

Christmas Divinity

Hark The Herald Angels Sing

Movie:A December Bride

Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.
~Melody Beattie

Go to the guestbook and post what your favorite Christmas memory is....
Please sign our guestbook daily and check new post here :)
What is the difference in primary and secondary adrenal insufficiency?

Primary is total destruction of the adrenal cortex. All 3 layers. Most today are confirmed with Autoimmune to the gland, and/or High ACTH to make criteria. Thus the name "Addison's"

Secondary AI is a malfunction of the pituitary gland sending the messenger ACTH to stim the gland. Many causes.

Central AI/Tertiary is also secondary AI with full suppression of the HPA axis in which ACTH cannot send the message to the adrenal gland and the cortex of the gland does not stim.

ACTH stims the 2nd layer glucocorticoids, and third layer, where androgens are produced. The first layer, mineralocorticoids are predominantly intact and preserved in secondaries. by Karen Milano
Ventanas del Advientos

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