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1 Juin 2024
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(Dernière fenêtre le 25 Décembre 2015)
UCL Institute of Education Special Collections
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Fenêtre 14

14 The Hayward Collection

F. H. Hayward was an Inspector of Schools for the London County Council from 1905-1937. He was a supporter of the secularist movement, and a leading member of the Moral Instruction League, founded in 1897 to further ethical and civic teaching on a non-theological basis in schools. He is probably best known for his 'Celebration Method' which attempted to develop the child's learning through cross-curricular activities. He was greatly influenced in his thinking by the German philosopher and educational theorist Johann Friedrich Herbart (1776–1841).

Hayward was a prolific writer and well-known to educationists during the first two decades of the 20th century. He was a passionate advocate for moral instruction and his cause was championed by Sir John Admas, the first professor of education and director of the Institute of Education at the University of London. Adams wrote thus of Hayward's contribution to education in a private letter to Hayward dated 1933:

"The more I consider you and your educational work, the more I regard you as a figure in the history of education rubbing shoulders with Comenius and Pestalozzi and rousing the writer’s wonder at the inability of your contemporaries to appreciate the value of your contribution. The time will come when light will break … and you will be raised to the pedestal which is being silently prepared for you."

The Hayward Collection makes up Hayward's personal library, and covers a wide range of subjects including early psychology, religious and moral education and education for citizenship.

For more information, see: http:libguides.ioe.ac.uk/hayward

Image source: Hayward, F. H.(1905). The educational ideas of Pestalozzi and Fröbel. London: Ralph Holland.


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