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19 Mai 2024, ouvrez la fenĂȘtre numĂ©ro 2
(DerniĂšre fenĂȘtre le 25 DĂ©cembre 2015)
2nde 3 France
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FenĂȘtre 1
French are often represented as people wearing a beret , quite old hat, aren't they?
France is also known for its wine, not because the French are always drunk, but thanks to the quality of their drinks, so there is often a bottle in the first hand of the character.
He holds a baguette (of bread and that is very good as many of our dishes!).We are fond of eating it with butter at breakfast and I think that is tastier than porridge as many of you I presume.
The other symbols are the red scarf and the always-well-cut moustache.
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FenĂȘtre 1

1 French are often represented as people wearing a beret , quite old hat, aren't they?
France is also known for its wine, not because the French are always drunk, but thanks to the quality of their drinks, so there is often a bottle in the first hand of the character.
He holds a baguette (of bread and that is very good as many of our dishes!).We are fond of eating it with butter at breakfast and I think that is tastier than porridge as many of you I presume.
The other symbols are the red scarf and the always-well-cut moustache.

FenĂȘtre 1
French are often represented as people wearing a beret , quite old hat, aren't they?
France is also known for its wine, not because the French are always drunk, but thanks to the quality of their drinks, so there is often a bottle in the first hand of the character.
He holds a baguette (of bread and that is very good as many of our dishes!).We are fond of eating it with butter at breakfast and I think that is tastier than porridge as many of you I presume.
The other symbols are the red scarf and the always-well-cut moustache.

On sera heureux d accepter votre support au projet Advientos. Merci!

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