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16 Mai 2024, ouvrez la fenĂȘtre numĂ©ro 2
(DerniĂšre fenĂȘtre le 24 DĂ©cembre 2013)
Monkwearmouth Parish Advent Calendar
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O Come O Come Emmanuel
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Gemma is a young mum of two boys who lives in one of the most deprived areas of Middlesbrough. One in three children live in poverty there, and male life expectancy is fifteen years less than for boys born in England’s richer neighbourhoods.

Having stayed at home to bring up her sons, Gemma managed to balance a daily financial tightrope until changes to her benefits tipped her into a spiral of debt.

“I didn’t have much to spend on food after I’d paid my bills,” says Gemma. “I’d borrow money and I’d just get myself into more debt, and then when I’d get paid the week after that, I’d be left with nothing again because I’d had to pay my debts off.”

“The kids would be coming home from school and they’d be looking in the fridge and they’d be like ‘You’ve never got nothing in Mum’. It was horrible – I sat there and cried most days.”

In desperation Gemma told her son’s teacher that she was trying to feed the boys on just £10 a week. The school referred her to the local foodbank who gave her enough food to keep the family going.

Gradually Gemma got to know Jane, a Middlesbrough Foodbank volunteer who lives nearby. Jane invited Gemma and her sons to the new breakfast club at the local church, and began helping Gemma look for part-time work to help lift the family out of poverty.

Tackling poverty across England - together

Middlesbrough Foodbank and the breakfast club at Whinney Banks are just two of the Christian projects supported by Together Middlesbrough, a partnership between Church Urban Fund and the Diocese of York to help churches tackle poverty locally.

As the Church of England’s charity tackling poverty, you help us to bring together and support groups of Christians working in the most deprived communities across England. Each group offers local people in need a lifeline of practical support, friendship and hope.

(c) Church Urban Fund

For more information about the Sunderland Foodbank, visit

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O Come O Come Emmanuel

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