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, öffne Türchen Nr. 1
(letztes Türchen 24 Dezember 2013)
Monkwearmouth Parish Advent Calendar
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!
Ey! Noch nicht!

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Türchen 10

10 Advent 2 : Matthew 3:1-12 and Colombia

Sometimes the peace should be disturbed: the kind of peace that allows injustice and inequality to prevail in the world. John is one such disturber of the peace. His words in Matthew call people to attention, to reflection, to acknowledge that things need to change. In these tinselled days in the run-up to Christmas, John’s words might stop us in our tracks and disturb us to examine our decorated traditions and long-held assumptions. But more than just disturbing individuals’ peace, John disturbed societal peace, the kind of peace that accepted the power imbalances that assumed position, status and prestige. John’s words cut through hierarchies built by humans and speak of the equality of the coming kingdom. His words come not just as warning, but also as encouragement to prepare for this new world order.

Advent is a time full of preparation for feasting, for exchanging gifts, for making arrangements to see family and friends. Or even preparing for heightened expectations to be unmet, desires unfulfilled. John however calls us to a deeper kind of preparation: to prepare for Immanuel, God with us. Examining the fruitfulness of our lives, confessing and repenting from our sin may be part of our preparation. But so too may be an examination of our world, identifying and exposing the power imbalances that have left many oppressed and without essential services this Christmas. What world are we welcoming this child and every child into? Advent is not a time of passive waiting but of active preparation for the coming of the kingdom.

Another disturber of the peace, Dr Martin Luther King Jr, said the following words in his 1967 Christmas sermon on peace:

‘It really boils down to this: that all life is interrelated. We are all caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied into a single garment of destiny… We aren’t going to have peace on Earth until we recognise this basic fact of the interrelated structure of all reality.’

In his sermon, Dr King gave a list of examples of how through the basic routines of the morning we depend on half the world. For some of us, half our morning routine depends on Colombia. The palm oil required for gel and shampoo used in the shower, the strong black coffee required to kick-start a busy day, and the banana chopped over cereal or toast could well be from Colombia. Our lives are intertwined not just with Colombian produce but also with the fact that Colombia has more internally displaced people than anywhere else on Earth. An estimated 4.9 to 5.5 million people are displaced from their homes and living within the country, while more than 70,000 civilians have been killed or have disappeared in Colombia in the past 20 years.

For six decades it has been accepted practice for armed groups – those with power – to take land from the peasant farmers. The land is wanted for growing palm oil, mining for gold, coal or oil, farming cattle or controlling the routes for the cocaine trade. Two Christian Aid partners, Peace Brigades International (PBI) and Inter-Church Commission for Justice and Peace (CIJP), are disturbing these practices of displacement and disappearance.

CIJP accompanies conflict-affected communities in their struggle for justice and reparations and for the return of their lands. It informs communities about their rights and provides legal representation to these communities taking their cases to the national and international courts. PBI in turn provides an accompaniment programme for CIJP. As international volunteers, the accompaniers’ presence acts as a deterrent against those seeking to stop the crucial work that Christian Aid supports. Their protection allows human rights defenders to fight impunity and carry out their work safely.

Like John, PBI and CIJP are challenging the long-accepted way of things; they challenge the power imbalances that perpetuate inequality. Sometimes, in order to realise peace, we need to disturb the peace.

(c) Christian Aid

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